A Program To Impact Livestock Industry
In 1986, the International Stockmen’s Educational Foundation initiated a program called the ISEF Hall of Fame. Individuals from around the world who have a major impact on the livestock and meat industry have been selected to be in our Hall of Fame.

John Armstrong - CEO King
Ranch, Kingsville, TX
Ranch, Kingsville, TX

Tobin Armstrong – Owner,
Armstrong Ranch, Armstrong, TX
Armstrong Ranch, Armstrong, TX

Charlie Ball - Pres., Texas Cattle
Feeders Assn., Amarillo, TX
Feeders Assn., Amarillo, TX

Frank Baker – Professor,
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE

O.J. Barron - Angel Fire, NM

Marvin Beeman – Littleton Large Animal Clinic, Littleton, CO

Jan C. Bonsma – University Pretoria, South Africa

Rod Bowling - AMS, USDA, College Station, TX

Bill Buchner – Meat Packer, Cargill

O.D. Butler – Head, Professor, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

John Cox - Stanbrobe Pastoral, Brisbane, Australia

Russell Cross – Former EVP., Head & Professor, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Paul Engler – Founder, Cactus Feeders, Amarillo, TX

W.D. Farr - Farr Feeders, Denver, CO

John Houston - President National Livestock & Meat Board, Chicago, IL

Bob Funk - Express Ranches, Oklahoma City, OK

Bob Josserand - AZTX Feeders, Hereford, TX

Robert J. Kleberg - Owner, King Ranch, Kingsville, TX

John Lacey – Lacey Livestock Company, Independence, CA

Jim Leachman – Seedstock Producer, Billings, MT

Leon Locke – Seedstock Producer, Hungerford, TX

Jay L. Lush – Professor, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Bill McMillan - NCA, Denver, CO

Albert Mitchel - Rancher, Clayton, NM

Ken Monfort - CEO Monfort of Colorado, Greeley, CO

Elsa Murano - Professor Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University President Emeriti, College Station, TX

Jimmy Powell - Sheep & Goat is from Fort McKavett, Texas

Harlan Ritchey - Professor, Michigan State University, East Lancing, MI

J.D. Sartwelle - Cattle, Sartwelle Cattle Company, Sealy, TX

Gary Smith - Texas A&M University and Former Head and Professor, College Station, TX

Jo Ann Smith – Cattlewoman, NCA Past President, Assistant Sec. USDA, Wacahoota, Fl

Bob Tate – Cattleman, Sheridan, WY

Clair E. Terrill - Sheep & Goat, ARS, USDA Beltsville, MD